








1、在知网官网搜索主题关键词、题名等信息。?以搜索 Journalism 为例,可以看见搜索后有中文文献,也有英文文献,并且会显示数据库来源。



知网,是 知识基础设施的概念,由 银行于1998年提出。CNKI工程是以实现全社会知识资源传播共享与增值利用为目标的信息化建设项目。由清华大学、清华同方发起,始建于1999年6月。

2019年5月,“科研诚信与学术规范” 学习 在中国知网正式上线发布。


[1] Chris Rayne,赵斌.ASP开发从入门到精通[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2002。

[2] Greg Buczek,康博. ASP开发人员指南[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2002。

[3] 邓文渊,陈俊荣.ASP与网络数据库技术[M].北京:中国铁道出版社,2003。

[4] 王珊,李盛恩.数据库基础与应用[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2003。

[5] Kevin Kline.SQL技术手册[M].北京:中国电力出版社,2005。

[6] 张仕斌,谭三.网络安全技术[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2004。

[7] 李飞,秦智.网络基础与应用[M].成都:四川大学出版社,2003。














参考文献为书(Book),一般需要列出的信息有:作者、书名、出版社、出版社地点(包括城市和 )、年份、页码。



1. sci-hub

大名鼎鼎的 sci-hub 是一个俄罗斯牛人开发的可以下载任意文献杂志的工具,只要输入你想要下载的文献题目、DOI 等信息就可以获取到该文献的真实地址并 浏览,当然更重要的是可以下载。


BASE 是德国比勒费尔德(Bielefeld) 大学图书馆开发的一个多学科的学术搜索引擎,提供对全球异构学术资源的集成检索服务。它整合了德国比勒费尔德大学图书馆的图书馆目录和大约 160 个开放资源(超过 200 万个文档)的数据。

3. 谷歌学术

免费搜索学术文章的 Google 网络应用。2004 年 11 月,Google 次发布了 Google 学术搜索的试用版。该项索引包括了 上绝大部分出版的学术期刊, 可广泛搜索学术文献的简便方法。


4. Library Genesis

Library Genesis 号称是帮助全人类知识无版权传播的计划。网站上论文很多,下载方便,还有很多外文书籍和中文书籍,几乎每天都在更新。这也是一个神奇网站,基本上所有的外文书籍和论文都可以搜到并下载,最近的学术论文也可以下载。

Library Genesis 和 Sci-Hub 可谓患难兄弟,之前都因为爱思唯尔惹上纠纷,而且从 Library Genesis 下载不了的还可以从网页直接链接到 Sci-Hub 下载。

5. 百度学术


百度学术搜素可以检索到收费和免费的学术论文,并通过时间筛选,标题,关键字,摘要,作者,出版物,文献类型被引用的次数等细化指标提高检索的 性。


6. Cnpiec LINK service

一个方便快捷的查阅国外各类期刊文献的综合网络 ,cnpLINKer 即中国链接服务,目前主要提供约 3600 种外国期刊的目次和文摘的查询检索,电子全文链接及期刊国内馆藏分布查询功能。并时时与国外出版社保持数据内容的一致性和最新性。

7. PMC(PubMed Cenral)

PubMed Central (PMC) 是美国国立卫生研究院提供的一项服务,存档生物医学,生命科学科研文献,PMC 获得 NLM (National Library of Medicine) 的授权,收录存档生物 / 医学文献,免费是 PMC 的核心原则,随着技术的进步,目前文献的数字存储格式可能会淘汰,但 PMC 保存了这些内容。NLM 认为数字资料不是用来存储的,持续的应用才是物尽其用,因此免费是 PMC 的一个核心原则。

但是免费并不代表没有版权,资料虽然存储在 PMC,作者和出版商才是版权的拥有者,所有使用 PMC 的用户必须遵守版权声明。

8. 中国知网

知网,是 知识基础设施的概念,由 银行于 1998 年提出。CNKI 工程是以实现全社会知识资源传播共享与增值利用为目标的信息化建设项目。由清华大学、清华同方发起,始建于 1999 年 6 月。提供 CNKI 源数据库、外文类、工业类、农业类、医药卫生类、经济类和教育类多种数据库。

其中综合性数据库为中国期刊全文数据库、中国博士学位论文数据库、中国 硕士学位论文全文数据库、中国重要报纸全文数据库和中国重要会议文论全文数据库。



DOAJ(Directory of Open Access Journal),由瑞典的隆德大学图书馆 Lund University Libraries 设立于 2003 年 5 月,DOAJ 的优势在于收录的期刊有着严格的质量控制,包括很多 SCI 收录的期刊。

DOAJ 收录的 OA 期刊数量非常多,属于目前最好的 OA 期刊目录网站。目前 DOAJ 除了查询 OA 期刊外,还可以查询部分期刊的文章内容。

10. Book 系列

Book 系列网站书籍种类丰富,基本专业书籍都可找到免费下载。包括 Bookie、Bookzz、Bookfi 等,(Bookzz、Bookfi 在 Library Genesis 的导航栏有,但是现在貌似打不开了)。均可免费下载文献和书籍,文献下载适合前几年的,书籍就不用说了,超级多!

其中 BookSC 网站(municati , Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of people's lives.Internet era, has created the new people's work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied. With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functi , structure, the lication of more web design technology.2, the definition of websiteHow definition of websites 2.1Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website? You have a unique service? The first people to your website is to what? They will come back? All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following:(1) users isit Web site is faster.(2) attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the user's requirements;(3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by isitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good isual effect.2.2 The contents of the website and functionThe content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and things to deal with. Website content is determined in accordance with the nature of the site, in the design of the site, commercial websites, popular science site, company websites, teaching and exchange websites, the content and style are different. We have established websites with the nature of these types of sites are not the same.2.3 The structure website(1) site structure;(2) definition of navigation;(3) isual Design;(4) framework and design pages.3, Site Design and ImplementationWith increasing demands on design, high style, high-grade design work before gaining popularity. This also to the designers have put forward higher requirements, from this point of iew, the plate design is to meet the requirements of the people should be and Health. The rapid development of science and technology, the Internet into milli of households, also produced a new design space, and a new web design an important part of the field of design. Excellent web design, we must have good creative, so that the audience can be difficult to shift attention long time, produce power. Layout is ery important, through text, graphics space portfolio, can best express harmony with the United States. If you want to further understand website design, made separately from other web site's homepage, you need to have more like CSS, javascript, CGI, and other web design technology. In building on the site of the CSS, javascript and other web design technology.CSS 3.1 lication Design website(1) What is CSS? CSS is a style sheet (stylesheet) technology. Some of them called CSS (Cascading Stylesheet).(2) the combination of CSS and HTML form. Mode 1: The CSS content, as defined in the writing between the labels. Mode 2: CSS will be preserved as a separate text file, and then from labels to call.(3) CSS the web site of examples. The web site pages, and increase the following definition so that the pages show with special effects.3.2 lication Design website javascriptjavascript and the emergence of making information between users is not only a display and browse the relati hip, but to achieve a real-time, dynamic, cross-expression. Thus based on the CGI static HTML pages will be to provide dynamic real-time information, and customer resp e to the operation of the Web pages replaced. javascript scripting is sati y this demand arising from the language. It's loved by extensive user. Many scripting language it is in a relatively good. WWW and effectively achieve the combination of the computer network computing and network blueprint.4. C truction on the site ExperienceWith the popularity of the Internet, more and more government departments, companies and individuals aware of the need to have their own independent Web site. Below on the design and production sites on some of their own experience.After conducting systematic analysis End, we should carry out system design. Web page design similar to the development of software design, top-down, bottom-up and continuous updating, and other design methods. The main task is to design the content of the sites, including the website information organization structure, earance, content block, navigation and links, directory structure design. System design is the site ready before the concrete realization of the website to further the realization of more specific requirements, the overall effect on the website, local details have a clearer idea. This entire process is the key site planning.Next is how to achieve their own Web site design issues. The realization of the site, I think the need to be c idered in two parts: the realization website; Web servers can be achieved. In the process of achieving website, technology selection is ery important. Former major use HTML language, the stronger the interactive website, the proposed use of ASP, JSP, PHP and other programming to help achieve, the more complex Web site may also have its own database. The latter is based on all kinds of different operating systems used Web server software installation and debugging. This stage is the whole process of the most important and most time-c uming part.When we completed the work, the need for website released. At this stage of the production on the website drawing to a close, the main task is to do a good job in the website release to the network, the web site for final modificati , testing, homepage can guarantee normal operation of the network.Published in the website after website to deal with arious aspects of the tests, including the possibility of any different web browsers, different isitors have shown normal, ASP, JSP, PHP normal procedure can work, and so on. This stage is the website of trial operation period, the website at this time should be to make up for arious shortcomings, the website will be more perfected.After a period of operation, the site entered the normal operation period, the main task is to update outdated information website, the isitor's message timely feedback to further improve the website, the introduction of new technologies c tantly update website, isit web pages more quickly, more aesthetic earance, Information Resources richer.Above is the establishment of the station to roughly follow the seven steps, seven steps are complementary, but can be the basis of ease of website and complexity of a weakening or strengthening ropriate link. In short, building a succes ul web site is not an easy task, it needs all-round c ideration, the Composite arious factors.5, concluding remarksWith the rapid development of Internet technology, in all walks of life have joined the industry to the Internet. Whether from the management side, or from a commercial point of iew, the Internet can bring immense itality. Internet to become a talented designer Shi new world. People will continue to explore, will be the site of the building in the lication of new technologies in the web site.



1、中国知网。输入主题或者关键词进行查询,这也是最常用的一种方式,中国知网也是国内最 、最常用的一个数据库。

2、百度学术。百度学术上面有很多中文文献,百度学术搜索可检索到收费和免费的学术论文,可以通过时间筛选、标题、关键字、摘要、作者、出版物、文献类型、被引用次数等指标进行 检索。



英文文献检索网站有Forgotten Books、古腾堡计划、World Public Library 公共图书馆、科研出版社OA资源、Blackwell电子期刊、HighWire出版社电子期刊、Many Books好多书、JustFreeBooks、WitGuides、McMaster大学经济思想史书库等。

Forgotten Books

Forgotten Books是一家总部位于伦敦的图书出版商,专门从事旧书的翻新,既有小说也有非小说类作品。拥有787733本书可供 阅读,或以电子书的形式下载,或以书面形式购买




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